Friends of the Braid Hills
News & upcoming events
Next friends' group meeting:
The group will next meet on Monday 20th February at 7.30pm at the Stable Bar, Mortonhall
New members welcome!
Tree-planting - Sat 21st November, 1.45-3.30pm
November may be a dreary time of the year but it is a good time to plant young trees! The Friends of the Braid Hills would like to invite you to join us and the Braid Hills Ranger, Peter, for an afternoon planting young trees on the Braid Hills.
We will meet at 1.45pm for a 2pm start, at the former Car Park halfway along Braid Hills Drive, diagonally opposite the entrance to the Hermitage Golf Course. We will be planting young wild harvest trees until around 3.30pm. (We will have some spades to share, but if you can bring one it will help.)
After the tree-planting we plan to visit the Hermitage Cafe to warm up and let anyone interested know about a new Story-gathering Project the Friends of the Braid Hills intend to begin in Spring 2016. We are currently looking for individuals and groups who may be interested in taking part in this exciting project.
If you would like to be kept informed about the activities of the Friends of the Braid Hills, especially the ongoing Tree-planting and Story-gathering Projects please let us know by contacting us through the website or via social media.

Wildflower planting - Saturday 18th April 2015, 2-4pm
Volunteers are invited to join the Friends of the Braid Hills on the afternoon of Saturday 18th April to help plant the wildflower plugs which have been donated by the City of Edinburgh, Inch Nursery. We shall be planting wildflowers, indigenous to the habitat, including the increasingly rare Sticky Catchfly. The Braid Hills has been selected as one of the sites to re-introduce this species. Our aim is to support the biodiversity of the hill for bees & other wildlife.
The City of Edinburgh Parks Department is supporting this event & will be bringing some trowels/spades but please bring your own (gardening) gloves & what other equipment you think may be useful.