Unveiling of the new view indicator

On 1 November 2014, we held a ceremony to unveil the new Braid Hills '7 Hills Outlook' View Indicator. It was a hugely successful event with a great turnout and fantastic weather.
We were joined by the Lord Provost, who carried out the unveiling ceremony, and the families of the gentlemen who conceived the original View Indicator, the late John C Bartholomew and George S Russell.
The City of Edinburgh Council provided the funding for the new View Indicator. The Friends group worked with the council, Ivon Bartholomew and Bill Cairns to update and arrange for the manufacture of the new View Indicator.
See our Facebook page for all the photos we collated from the day: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfTheBraidHills/photos_stream?tab=photos_albums
Image above by Ivon Bartholomew